Vagus Nerve 101

Ep 125: On this episode we explore the topic of the vagus nerve, the longest cranial nerve in the body that sends information to and from the brain to every vital bodily system. We chat about how the vagus nerve impacts our heart, lungs, digestive…

Living a Better Life with Jeannette Ms. FitVegan

Today’s guest Jeannette Donofrio, AKA Ms. FitVegan, has been a raw vegan for over 10 years and is passionate about inspiring others to live a happier and healthier life. Jeannette grew up like many of us, eating the Standard America Diet (SAD) and in turn…

Podcast Ep 63: The One About Mental Health

The one about mental health! Mental health is a big topic these days and it should be. Honestly it should be discussed even more. And not just how it’s increasing, but WHY it’s happening at such alarming rates. Of course there’s the obvious state of…