Magnesium and How to Optimize Our Health with Kristen Bowen
Today’s guest is no stranger to health issues, as she’s experienced them as a teenager and as an adult. We chat all about magnesium and how to optimize our health with Kristen Bowen.
After having her 4th child, Kristen Bowen started experiencing urinary incontinence. She did what many women are told to do and had surgery. Immediately after (and even during the procedure itself) Kristen’s most traumatic health journey began. She started experiencing seizures, was unable to walk, confined to a wheelchair, her hair was falling out, and she got down to 74 pounds.
As she searched for answers her family was running through their savings, going from doctor to doctor, even visiting the Mayo Clinic and Stanford, but no one was able to help her. It wasn’t until getting to their wit’s end, both financially and emotionally, that they finally received some answers from a PA willing to dig deep. And while her major symptoms improved, there was still work to be done!
Kristen’s story took a powerful turn after a friend suggested soaking in magnesium. Not only did the magnesium help her truly recover, but it sparked a new passion and mission! She created her own company, Living the Good Life Naturally, sourcing the very best magnesium possible to help people everywhere obtain this essential mineral in the most effective and efficient way, through the skin!
Topics Include:
- building a strong foundation
- taking responsibility for our health and how to get started
- what happens when we’re magnesium deficient
- what strips magnesium
- magnesium today versus our grandparents time
- oral magnesium versus transdermal magnesium
- long term consequence of oral magnesium supplements
- “cell saturation”
- what happens to body once you do get magnesium
- when and how often to soak in magnesium
- magnesium “burn rate”
- epson salt versus transdermal soak
- how to source magnesium
- prioritizing yourself
- finding and experiencing gratitude
- “The Artist Way” book
- benefits of journaling
- how she started her company

You can learn more about Kristen and purchase some transdermal magnesium yourself from her website. Use the code REFINEDHIPPIE to receive 10% off your order!
Listen to our chat below or on Apple podcast, Google podcast, Spotify, or Stitcher.