The Impact of Toxins with Kelly Ryerson, Glyphosate Girl

On this episode we chat with Kelly Ryerson, aka Glyphosate Girl, an activist, environmental health writer, public health advocate, and speaker, about the impact toxins are having on our planet. After dealing with her own health issues (that doctors couldn’t explain), Kelly discovered on her…

All About EMF and 5G with R Blank

This is an exciting episode as we cover a topic never before discussed on The Refined Hippie Podcast – EMF and 5G! Our guest is R Blank, an internationally followed expert on issues of EMF, health and safety. R is the CEO of Shield Your…

St. Augustine: History and Health Food

After two years of not traveling much, my husband and I made our first “big” trip down to Florida in April. We’ve been to St. Augustine around 4 times now and it’s still one of our favorite places to visit. The city is filled with…

Reclaiming Our Health with Alexa Ferguson

On this episode of the podcast we chat with Alexa Ferguson, an acupuncturist and herbalist, about her story of healing and discovering Traditional Chinese Medicine. Like many of us, she was failed by allopathic medicine and explored different modalities for relieving her ailments. Her journey…

Living a Better Life with Jeannette Ms. FitVegan

Today’s guest Jeannette Donofrio, AKA Ms. FitVegan, has been a raw vegan for over 10 years and is passionate about inspiring others to live a happier and healthier life. Jeannette grew up like many of us, eating the Standard America Diet (SAD) and in turn…

Life Update: Surviving a Kitchen Renovation

A new season of the podcast is back and we’re starting off with a life update episode on surviving a kitchen renovation! The past few months have been a whirlwind after having a complete renovation done to our kitchen and den. Today I chat about…

Wilmington Plant-based Vegan Guide

Before moving to a new city one does the usual investigative work – housing market, crime rates, schools, cultural activities, health food stores, parks, and of course restaurants. If you’re plant-based vegan it becomes even more imperative to check out the local food scene. At…