Sautéed Leeks and Potatoes

This recipe of sautéed leeks and potatoes is extremely simple and comforting. I’ve never been a leek person exactly. Not because I didn’t want to be, but because I’d never really had the opportunity to try them. What is a leek? Leeks are in the…

It’s the 100th Podcast Episode!

I can’t believe it – 100 episodes recorded! Thank you so much for your support and love through the years! This has been an amazing experience and I couldn’t do it without you. On this episode I chat about my experience podcasting, what I’ve learned,…

All About Toxic and Non-toxic Skincare

Trying to be the healthiest version of oneself doesn’t stop at the food we consume. It also matters what we consume through our eyes, ears, minds, and most certainly, our skin! Shifting away from toxic beauty and into the organic realm is critical when taking…

Creating a Waste Free Future with Brad Pedersen

Today’s topic is one that’s a concern for many of us, creating a waste-free future. It’s no secret that humans are having a negative impact on the Earth. The good news is that we can turn things around and there are innovators out creating solutions…